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The Journey I Believe In…

  • I believe there’s a spark of radiant Essence within each of us

  • I believe that we are here to engage in a journey to heal our separation from our true Self

  • I believe in the innate wisdom of our body, mind, and spirit to heal that separation

  • I believe as we heal our separation from our true Self, we awaken a spark of our radiant Essence

  • I believe that spark of radiance will shine our Innerlight into the world — the kind of light greatly needed at this time

  • I believe that your Innerlight sparks YOUR Essence


“You have no need to travel anywhere.

Journey within yourself,

Enter a mine of rubies and bathe

in the splendor of your own Light.”


My Promise Is to Encourage Your InnerLight to Awaken

With integrity, passion, compassion, and gentleness that comes authentically through my heart. I promise to: 

Meet you where you are

Encourage you to accept who you are through practices that enhance self-awareness and understanding

Provide you with customized, preventive, tangible tools, and support on your journey to reduce and prevent suffering as you begin to heal from the inside out

Assist you on your journey with the wisdom of my training and experiences to live in alignment with your core essence

Help you to build trust  in the wisdom of your own beautiful soul