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“Any reason for practicing yoga is a good reason. Enhancing flexibility and releasing stress are as noble a purpose for performing yoga as is the awakening of spirituality. This is the great gift of yoga – it serves and nourishes us at every level of our being and spontaneously contributes to greater well being in all domains of life. Yoga will help you discover gifts within yourself that have remained unopened since your childhood – gifts of peace, harmony, laughter, and love.”

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon

What is Yoga?

The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” meaning union. More than an exercise routine, yoga is a complete science of harmonious living as well as a path to higher knowledge and joyful abundance. When practiced mindfully, the principles and techniques of yoga can be the keys to unlocking your full creative potential, your capacity for love and compassion, and your ability to find success in all areas of life.

If you have attended a yoga class most likely you have experienced the feelings of tranquility and vitality that flow through you and that continue to stay with you throughout the day from an integrated yoga sequence. These benefits are excellent reasons to practice yoga, yet they only hint at the transformative power of this ancient practice.

My Yoga Journey

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I attended my first yoga class in 1998 during a particularly intense family crisis and tumultuous time in my life. My nervous system was overcharged, over-stimulated and on high alert, symptomatic of PTSD. However, during that first class, my mind actually settled; my body relaxed into a state of relative calm. I experienced the felt-sense of my body, mind, and spirit aligned, maybe for the first time ever -- a complete integration of my true self. 

As I continued to attend these classes on a weekly basis, and, with the teacher’s encouragement began a personal practice at home, the anxiety I’d experienced for most of my adult years, to my surprise, gradually began to subside. The tremors I had experienced since my early twenties (first pointed out by my fifth grade students as I demonstrated art projects) slowly began to diminish as the regular practice of yoga, breath work, and meditation calmed my sympathetic nervous system. I no longer suffer from high anxiety, depression, and rarely insomnia. 

In 2012, I earned my 200-hour yoga certification from The Chopra Center in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga. Through this special style of yoga, I experienced first-hand the integration of the yoga philosophy of Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success from my mind into my body. 

I have had additional training under several well-known teachers. I studied Restorative Yoga with Judith Lasater, Chakra Yoga with Anodea Judith, PhD., Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff, and in April 2016, I received Yoga Nidra Certification Level 1 under Richard Miller, PhD.

I recently completed a Somatic Yoga Therapy 300-hour Teacher Training program with Janice Gates, pioneer in the field of Yoga Therapy, author of Yogini and former president of The International Association of Yoga Therapists. Students and clients explore and develop somatic awareness in my classes and private sessions. With 50o hours of yoga teacher training and the Chopra Center Vedic teachings in Ayurveda and meditation, I am acknowledged by the International Association of Yoga Therapists as a Certified Yoga Therapist. 


The Amazing Benefits of a Yoga Practice


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  • Promotes strength, stability, flexibility, skeletal alignment, and mechanical freedom

  • Creates a toned, flexible, and increasingly stronger body

  • Strengthens posture and mobility


  • Balances neurological and hormonal activity

  • Strengthens cardiovascular and respiratory functioning

  • Improves absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes

  • Improves energy and vitality

  • Helps maintain a balanced metabolism

  • Relieves pain

  • Strengthens the body’s ability to resist and overcome chronic disease by improving the flow of the lymphatic system

  • Improves sleep patterns

  • Increases circulation


  • Helps relieve stress

  • Helps achieve body-centered restful awareness

  • Opens energetic channels to creativity and intuition

  • Encourages positive thoughts


  • Develops self-confidence and self-acceptance

  • Increases tolerance for those different from us

  • Increases our compassion for the suffering of ourselves and others

  • Increases our capacity to withstand change

  • Develops our appreciation for the gift of life


  • Develops a deeper connection to self

  • Creates awareness of a bigger picture to life

  • Cultivates present moment awareness and acceptance of what is

I invite you to join me in establishing a practice that works for your lifestyle so that you, too, can benefit from the many healing aspects of a yoga practice.