What Is It Time for Now?

"What is it about time that gives it such power … an unseen force that can shape the land as well as our lives? Learn to play with time ... and let it take its proper place in your life.”

Excerpt from “The Time Card” in The Power Deck (1991) by Lynn Andrews

This year is flying by! We're approaching the Autumn Equinox already. I don’t think it’s just me … time really is going faster for everyone, it seems.

When I feel the overwhelm of not enough time, I fall back into the ancient wisdom that time is merely a man-made construct. There really is no time ... it's a part of ourselves that we explore in iRest yoga nidra in order to just be in our spacious and timeless wholeness. Then it’s easier to accept that everything really is right on time.

This digression on "time" isn't really the point of this newsletter, but it is something that I've been playing with over the summer. What is it time for now? 

To that point ... I haven't written a newsletter or offered a class for several months. So what have I been doing with my “time” over the past few months … Well, currently I am celebrating the process of completing one of five modules of Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training!

Being focused on the subject of "Vitality and Stress," the topic of this Kundalini module, for the last three months has inspired new ideas that are starting to take form. It’s also been a huge transformational experience for me into a deeper connection with the truth of my identity — "Sat Nam."

Sat Nam is translated as, "I am truth; truth is my identity."

Beginning in the late 1960’s or early 1970's, Kundalini Yoga teachings were introduced to the Western World. For those who have had the eyes to see and the ears to hear, it opens the door to a bigger picture that may be going on during the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. I'm pretty sure that if you're reading this, you are already aware of this energetic shift.

Kundalini yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathing) and mantras provide a  technology – a set of practices – to help us cope with our own struggles during this predicted period of the unknown, the chaos, the disinformation, and polarization.

Not only the Vedic teachings, but many indigenous cultures have foretold that the world as we have known it would "crumble" during the transition into the Aquarian Age. (See my newsletter from the beginning of the pandemic called “The Wobbly Pony Phase:” https://dianshirley.com/blog-1/the-wobbly-pony-phase-1.)

“The old systems and structures of our world are not working anymore, and in fact, are crumbling before our eyes. Yet the new models have not been created.” 
~ VerDarLuz

It does give me hope to know that there might be more to this troubled world than the anxiety, the doom, the gloom, and the anger that is expressing itself in so many people who are uncomfortable with the unknown created by these changes. I’ve appreciated all the tools I have from the ancient wisdom traditions that support me to stay present and centered and to react more often from conscious awareness around the challenges and absurdities we are encountering these days.

My emails in the coming weeks will share several new opportunities for you to embody some of the tools of the ancient wisdom traditions for coping and for healing. iRest Yoga Nidra, Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda and Native American spirituality are full of wisdom teachings that can help us to better know ourselves, accept what is, and raise our own consciousness –  all of which influence those around us.

I’d love to hear if any of this resonates with you and how you are navigating the state of our world today! What is it time for in your life right now?
Just reply to this email with your thoughts.

With Love,

In the meantime, a complimentary offering of iRest Yoga Nidra continues on  most Mondays at 5:00 Mountain time. Let me know if you would like to join us for this group meditation.