The Art of Self-Study

"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"

~ Charles Bukowski

  • Do you want to understand why, even after lots of introspection, you still get triggered by certain external events?

  • Do you get stuck in patterns and habits that you’re trying to change and wonder why it’s so hard? 

  • Do you wonder why it is so hard to make conscious choices to shift the patterns and habits that are aligned with what you want in your life now?

If any of these questions resonate with you, this second class will provide you with some insight.

The emotions and beliefs we formed in our early years can create patterns and habits that may be holding you back and keeping you stuck. To break free, it’s important to understand their origin.


If you get my newsletter, you already know my passion for healing through Chakra awareness. I became fascinated with the Vedic teachings of the Chakra System during my first yoga teacher training at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. My passion for understanding the energy centers guided me to teachers where I could dive more deeply into Chakra Psychology. Anodea Judith's Chakra Yoga and the iRest Institute have provided lots of heady information, of which the intellectual part of me couldn’t get enough.  

However, it was during the shamanic healing program, The Wheel of Awakening, that I began to embody my own healing – to actually embody my body. In this program I learned how our child development corresponds to the development of the seven main energy centers governing different aspects of our body and mind. Not only did I learn about how our energetic body reflects our development, I experienced different processes for transforming the conditioning imposed upon me durning my early years.

This isn’t to place blame on my upbringing. From the outside, it seems really good! However, studying the chakras has given me the wisdom to know that what belonged to my parents and teachers may not necessarily be my truth. And as an adult with awareness, I can choose to discern and to decide what I want to keep and what I want to change; then to take action to make the changes.

You may have heard of the Chakras and know something about them. In this class you will get a brief overview or review, but the main focus is on the potential wounding we are here to become aware of – and to heal if that's what we choose. We will explore core beliefs that is common to adopt during our early childhood development and keep us stuck in patterns, habits, and reactive responses that feel impossible to shift.


In the previous class we talked about the Kundalini Yoga concept of Elementary Stress. Elementary Stress occurs when we are not living from and as our own inner truth. Conflict arises between our inner and outer selves. Childhood conditioning and wounding are the root cause of Elementary Stress. The way to healing this is through awareness.

“A huge percentage of clearing old patterns is simply to become aware of them.”

~ Yoga Bhajan, Kundalini Yoga

As adults we can learn to recognize ourself, trust our self, and welcome the radiance of our soul – to live and act from our True Identity.