“Meditation is a progressive quieting of the mind until you get to the source of the mind which is pure consciousness. You are not your mind or your thoughts. You are the consciousness in which the thoughts come and go.”

- Deepak Chopra

I was introduced to meditation and nature at the same time in the late 1980’s. It happened at “The Farm,” a retreat center in eastern Oklahoma owned by a therapist I was seeing for the recurring themes of depression and anxiety. She often conducted weekend retreats there. 

The first workshop I attended was a weekend of meditation, which also involved being still and silent in and with the beautiful natural world at “The Farm”—under trees with the mockingbirds and cardinals, on a rock by the creek, at sunset, at sunrise, observing the cows, listening for the owls and coyotes. 

This weekend in the midst of nature through the quiet of meditation, I met my true self; it initiated me on my spiritual path. See, till then I had categorized myself as an atheist. That weekend, I learned not only that God does exist, though maybe not in the traditional form of the Christian God I had been raised with and renounced when I became free to think for myself in college. I also discovered that God is within me – though that was not the overall purpose of the retreat – or so I thought. Haha! Was this the Universe playing a trick on me?


After that, every week on Tuesday evenings I got to mediate with a group in Mary’s office. At the same time Mary encouraged me to begin a practice of meditation at home. Yeah, right! Yet, I tried! And tried! And tried! I sat still and closed my eyes with the intention of meditating! But to no avail! (Or so I thought.) The thoughts plagued my quiet, and I became convinced that I wasn’t doing it right; that I could NOT meditate. I settled for journaling and solitary running and called that my meditation. And it was…


Mary transitioned in 2011. After that, the depression and anxiety settled in again even with all of the coping tools I’d received in my work with her and studies of health and wellness. It was a time when I was trying to find a purpose other than riding my bike for two to three hours a day. Well, the universe took care of that, too, by taking my bike away when I wasn’t listening to my inner voice telling me it’s time to get off your bike and follow you heart. The bike was stolen right out from under my nose! 

My last conversation with Mary before she passed away had been about attending one of Dr. Deepak Chopra’s workshops. As a gift to myself for my 60th birthday, I decided to attend Seduction of Spirit, the signature yoga and meditation workshop, at The Chopra Center. 


At the beginning of that powerful week-long retreat, a special lady by the name of Angela presented me with and instructed me in my Primordial Sound Mantra. She shared it with me during a private ceremony in a room lit with candles. 

Over the next seven hours, Davidji introduced me to the compelling ancient wisdom teachings around meditation, the origin of my primordial sound mantra, current research on the benefits of a regular meditation practice, and how to make it a part of my daily life. 

During the incredible week that followed, a group of 300 of us from around the world led by several master teachers at the Chopra Center and Dr. Chopra himself meditated together four times a day. I even rose at sunrise to meditate, guided by Davidji! By the end of the week, I experienced a profound sense of love and acceptance for myself (a totally new understanding for me) and for all of humanity. It felt like an old stale layer of me had sluffed itself off entirely – just like a snake shedding a layer of skin.

I have not missed a day of meditation since. I am completely hooked!


Amazingly, the mantra meditation seemed to be the missing piece for me emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I found I absolutely could meditate!!! I understood for the first time ever that even though I’m having thoughts, I’m meditating! Thank you, Dr. Chopra and Dr. Simon; thank you, Angela; thank you, Davidji, and, thank you, Mary for giving me the gift of meditation. 

What I know now is my inner wisdom guided me to receive this gift from myself to myself for my 60th birthday, conspired by the universe. Not only did I listen to it (for once), but I also acted on the urge nudging me to expand my consciousness, no matter how scary it seemed at the time.

Many times I’ve expressed to others how powerful this meditation technique is. A mantra-based meditation practice has been the cornerstone, the game changer, truly the missing piece in my emotional, spiritual, and physical growth.

Could it be a catalyst for you to help awaken your InnerLight?



In the comments below, please share your experiences of game changers or missing pieces in your life. 


Share your experiences with meditation and what works for you!



Read more about how meditation can help you, and check out my Journey Within Package!

I would be honored to share this time-honored tradition with YOU!

Want to learn more about these beautiful ancient wisdom teachings?

Check out my Journey Back to Balance: Ayurveda Lifestyle Package or my One on One online program, Journey to Your Inner Wisdom.


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