Silence – a Teacher and a Healer

“Silence Is golden” and “the sound of silence” — are lines from songs I heard often during my high school and college years. The words always touched something deep within; not so much the lyrics of the songs, but the references to silence.

This was long before I knew about the incredible inner healing power of silence. Yet, those phrases stayed with me.

So, when I was introduced to the concept of silent retreats, my body, mind, and spirit vibrated with a resounding YES! I couldn’t think of anything more delicious! Count me in!

Deep Internal Quietude

My first experience into silence occurred at a rural Oklahoma farm. Even though it was a group retreat, I easily settled into the stillness. My nervous system enjoyed a welcome sense of relaxation during that weekend. I took a more expanded sense of self back to the roles* I played in my daily life. A calmness slowly overcame the hurried pace, and it stayed with me well after returning home and to work. 

After this initial deep connection to my inner self, I committed to monthly days of silence at the Farm. These occasional days were like taking a long deep breath; a pause in the busyness of single-parenting, teaching, and social interactions — to allow some quieting of the thoughts, fears, beliefs, and judgments that the ego relies on.

During these precious hours of solitude, I journaled, sat under trees, admired the Winged-Ones, and initiated a quest into my inner world.

During these pauses, I began to grow better acquainted with the “me” buried under the layers of social conditioning … the part that had been “hijacked” in the formation of the ego personality**. 

As the layers of conditioning began to fall away in these periods of stillness, I started to tune into the whispers of my soul — something imperceptible in the noise of the busyness of day-to-day life -- work, appointments, taking kids to activities, trying to stay healthy with exercise and clean eating, aging parents -- you know, all the stuff, no matter how rewarding, that takes you outward.

My one-day retreats grew into five days of silence under the guidance of Deepak Chopra and other Chopra Global teachers at Silent Awakenings and the silent retreats in my somatic yoga therapy teacher training. Five days of silence, A.M. and P.M. yoga, multiple daily meditations, and nourishing meals opened the door to a place I had never been before – a sweet internal hush.

Inspiration for Holding a Silent Retreat

When I first arrived in the rural mountain town of Crestone, the silence that permeated the days and nights under the watchful gaze of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains filled me with that same inner hush. No squealing car tires or honking horns; no train whistles disturbing the early morning quiet. Only the pure essence of the birds singing, the tranquil melody of the soothing creeks, and the occasional howling of coyotes -- primordial sounds that beckon an inward call.

The San Luis Valley stretches out expansively to the West while the mountains tower to the East. Rest and rejuvenation naturally occur. No street lights to penetrate the dark skies. So heavenly! 


What Would It Be Like To Spend a Few Days Unplugging from the Noise?

  • Can you imagine what 5 days of exploring your inner landscape through nature, healing hot springs, spiritual wisdom, meditation, and yoga could bring to your life? The purpose of these wisdom practices is to help us find our way home – to our true nature. always at


  • What would it be like to let go of the constant scrolling, the notification dings, trying to discern information from disinformation on social media ... and fill that void nourished by nature and sacred mineral waters?  


  • Is it difficult to give yourself the time you long for to make yourself come alive? Are you always at the ask of everyone else, helping to support them or putting out their fires – not having a clue how to choose yourself?


  • What would a few days of spacious quietude do for your clarity, your discernment, your creativity, and your soul? Silence taught me to trust it as the doorway to my true self rather than automatically turning to friends or a medium or a psychic; that it is all here within me when I put the outer world aside and take time to listen.


  • Or ... are you at a turning point in life, not sure which fork in the path to take? I know from experience that your soul would guide you if you slow down enough to tune into what she has to say. 


  • Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than you are experiencing – that something is missing? Very often the missing piece is inner rather than outer.


When the Soul Whispers: A Retreat in Silence 

My Colorado colleague Debbie from Chopra Teacher Trainings and I modeled this retreat after Deepak Chopra’s Silent Awakenings. We both know that of all of the transformational programs we experienced, silence has been our greatest healer. Silent Awakenings was our favorite Chopra program! Silence guides us to the truth that your inner guru wants us to know.

And that is YOUR truth, not the truth of anyone else;
not the the ideas or expectations of others; 
not the beliefs and conditioning of society or of those who raised you;
but what your soul wants you to know.


This event is in person at Joyful Journey Hot Springs and Spa in the San Luis Valley and Sangre de Cristo Mountains of south-central Colorado.

October 23-27, 2024,
perfectly timed just as the seasons are urging us into the quieter darker days of the year.

If there is something that compels you, excites you, makes you nervous, causes chill bumps, or brings up curiosity as you read about silence, it would be such an honor to have you join us.

You can learn more here: 

Better yet, send me an email at and we’ll set a time to talk.

Early Bird pricing ends mid-September!

With love,


  • For an understanding of the Vedic teachings of the roles we play, you can read my blog here.

  • ** For how our true self becomes hostage to the conditioning of our experiences, read here.