Journey Within contains comprehensive instruction that will help you develop an effective and consistent meditation practice. It is the same program taught at The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California, developed by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon. Not only will you learn a technique to allow the thoughts to subside and find the calm deep within yourself, the seminar also offers opportunities for greater self-awareness and self-understanding.
This style of meditation comes from the ancient teachings in which Transcendental Meditation originated. However, you will receive your own personal mantra based on your time and place of birth. This form of meditation practice has proven to be effective for many thousands of people around the world because of:
The knowledge you learn during the seminar that informs and supports you in establishing a meditation practice
A mantra that is the unique vibration of your soul
Drs. Chopra and Simon created this program for their patients and have found it highly successful because of its combination of knowledge presented and experience.
Eight hours of interactive activities and instruction shared with a group of like-minded individuals
An overview of the benefits of meditation, the origin of Primordial Sound Meditation, and ancient wisdom teachings that support this style of meditation
Tips to make meditation a part of your daily life
Interactive and reflective activities to help you assimilate the information
Group meditations
Guidelines for New Meditators, a workbook containing the key points of the seminar and a section to record your meditation experiences for 21 days
A private ceremonial presentation of your personal Primordial Sound Mantra, followed by instruction in how to use it
Introspective journal prompts that personalize and deepen the information presented
A lecture by Dr. Deepak Chopra about the Higher States of Consciousness you will begin to experience with a regular practice of meditation
Two follow-up group meditation opportunities, supporting your commitment to establish a daily meditation practice
My ongoing support and mentorship during your first 21 days, inspiring you to honor your commitment to meditate
The opportunity to attend any future Journey Within Seminar at no cost
Journey Within is taught in four sessions either online or in person, privately or in an intimate group of like-minded individuals. The first and second sessions are often scheduled for the same day. It’s optimal to have the third and fourth session over the following two weeks. Two follow-up group meditations are held to support your 21-day journey.
Session One: You will receive an introduction to the basic principles of meditation, how it counters stress, potential benefits for your life, the history and philosophy supporting Primordial Sound Meditation, and the significance of your personal mantra. The anatomy of your mantra will be explained.
Session Two: Each person will have a private ceremony in which you will be presented with your personal primordial sound and instruction in how to use it silently during meditation. Dian will guide you into a meditation so that you can practice your mantra for 20-30 minutes.
Session Three: You will have an opportunity to share your experiences or concerns about meditation. Next we will discuss the practical aspects of making your meditation work for your lifestyle. We will also discuss the main experiences you might have during meditation. Then we will meditate as a group.
Session Four: Dr. Chopra explains the higher states of consciousness you may begin to experience with a regular meditation practice. You will also participate in a group meditation.
Follow-up Group Meditations are offered to support your meditation practice. You will be able to share your meditation successes and challenges and to ask any questions that may have come up. Other mindful practices to support your Journey Within will also be included.
How will I know when the next seminar is scheduled?
Sign up for my mailing list by signing up in the footer below for my free eBook. (This puts you on my mailing list for workshops) You can unsubscribe at any time.
Contact me for private online or in person sessions or to find out the next offering.
The cost for the entire workshop, including your Primordial Sound Mantra is just $222.00
To register go here or add this link to your browser https://buy.stripe.com/5kA9BEfhHfq06m4bJc
Special Rates: (contact me for payment through Venmo or PayPal)
Ages 11-18: $100 per person
Ages 10 & under: $35 per person
Organize your own group and receive reduced group rates!