The Inspiration of Silence
I’ve been reflecting on the amazing group of women who came to our silent retreat When the Soul Whispers that I co-facilitated with my Chopra Global colleague last winter.
One particular story comes to mind. It demonstrates one of the powerful benefits of an extended time in silence.
I had never met this incredible young woman before the retreat.
She had been to Joyful Journey Hot Springs & Spa, the venue for the retreat, and loved it! When she saw our event listed on their calendar, she said she knew that this was the retreat her soul was craving,
Her evaluation included the following statements:
“The space you created was full of light and joy and bliss. This is the retreat my soul was craving, and it blew all my expectations out of the water! I found the meditations and the dharma talks most valuable. The meditations created the space and container for practice. The talks gave spiritual matter to ponder and digest; they were food for the soul. I am blown away by the professionalism, love, passion, and generosity you two shared.”
Most of the participants had staked out their preferred space in the Event Yurt with a yoga mat, blankets, a back jack, and other personal items to support their almost five days in silence.
Gabby often spent her free time in her “nest” (the photo above) with her journal and sometimes one of the oracle card decks we had made available.
Even though Gabby was in the back, I could tell she journaled a lot. I wanted to peek over her shoulder to see what had captivated her attention.
However, I didn't want to take her out of her process in the spaciousness of silence.
Everyone, however, found out what she was up to when we gathered in Circle to reflect and share after they came out of silence.
She told us she had begun a second oracle card deck at the retreat! She had made a drawing of the resident Owl and several other images from the Joyful Journey environment.
Gabby’s experience is such a great example of what can happen when we allow ourselves the gift of a few days of silence, healing practices, ancient wisdom, nature, and healing waters.
It is touching to remember how she described the call of her soul to come and then listened to the inner whispers during that week of inner exploration.
And she’s a busy woman! She has a very full photography business in Golden, Colorado, and is usually booked up a year out. She didn’t let her very busy, very full life keep her from acting upon this deep nudge of her soul.
I can’t wait to get the new card deck she began working on!
I want to share a link to Gabby’s first Oracle deck:
The deck includes 77 affirmations to cultivate self-compassion and confidence, connect to values and intuition, heal body image, and grow self-love.
If you or anyone you know could use these, you can get them here:
There are many reasons people seek silence. Creative inspiration is just one.
You might feel a need to disengage from addictive screen time.
Others long to escape the noise that is growing so loud in the outer world and only getting louder these days.
Some have said that they feel something is missing from their life but can't put their finger on what that is.
Some come to connect with inner peace and calm that can be elusive while our focus is on the outer world.
Some come to deepen their spiritual connection.
Some don't have a clue about why they are called to a silent retreat.
If silence is calling you or if you can relate to one of these reasons, get more details about When the Soul Whispers by clicking here or click on the button below the email.
Whatever reason people show up for themselves and honor what it is that nudges them to take time to explore their inner world, you can be assured that healing from the inside out will be one of the results.
You’ll go home a different person!
If you have an urge, a curiosity, or a need for time to reflect on YOU, I invite you to follow it! Even if the mind resists!
Reach out to me by replying to this email. We can explore together how silence can impact your life!!!
It would be a privilege to have you join us!
There's More:
Another space and place to explore Silence and bring yourself a little peace is my Complementary Monday iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation.
This is meditation in stillness; it's not a yoga class with poses.
5:00 Mountain Time most Mondays on Zoom
Let me know if you want to try it out!
Watch for my next article called Not All Silence Is Created Equal.