Children know what to do!
Mention meditation to kids, and they plop down crisscross applesauce, close their eyes, rest their hands on their knees, and make a circle with their thumb and forefinger repeating the sound of “OM! I’ve seen it many times, and it makes my heart smile!
Children are under more stress today than ever before from their environment, their diets, and their own expectations, both from adults, friends and self-imposed. More and more children are being diagnosed with stress-related symptoms -- high cholesterol, diabetes, insomnia, anxiety, and depression, to name only a few -- that used to be “reserved” for aging adults. All of the experiences of our early lives are stored in our bodies. A child's highly sensitive energy fields pick up on what is going on in the adult world around them, both at home and globally.
What better time than childhood to begin to incorporate mindfulness practices into your child's life! Starting young will prevent the accumulation of stress and help keep their InnerLight awakened!
Mindfulness classes for children have the same benefits as mindfulness practices do for adults. They actually rewire the brain and are especially helpful for those kids with Attention Deficit Disorder or on the Autism Spectrum. Researched benefits of a regular meditation practice for both children and adults include:
- Reduced stress, anxiety, physical, and mental tension
- Improved sleep
- Improved focus and concentration
- Strengthened memory
- Improved ability to learn (grades go up!)
- Enhanced creativity, decision-making, and problem solving
- Increased ability to self-regulate
- More conscious choice-making
- More developed emotional intelligence
- Compassion and empathy for self and others is strengthened
- Self-esteem is increased
- Self-awareness grows stronger
My classes for children are experiential, hands-on, and age-appropriate:
- Each successive class builds on previous experiences!
- Each is developed around a theme and includes a Check-In, Breath Work, Discussion, Mindful Movement (such as yoga), Focus Activities, Self-awareness, and Guided Meditation or Visualization.
- I have used my love for creating curriculum along with my classroom teaching experience to develop a comprehensive mindfulness program for children.
- Activities are built into the program that integrate mindful concepts and experiences at a deeper level and involve a variety of learning styles -- verbal-linguistic, logical mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. (Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 1983).
- Discussion and activities draw on educational models from my graduate work in Educational Psychology. These models encourage creative and higher level thinking utilized in gifted and creative children.
- With these experiences, children integrate practices that they can do at home, in school, or anywhere to become aware of their emotional or physical state, to feel safe, and to self-regulate. They discover techniques that best help them to counter the stresses that arise in their young lives. Best of all, they will be able to use these practices for the rest of their lives!
- Maybe most important of all, children get to experience a few moments of peace and calm.
Are you interested in mindfulness practices for your child, home school group, or classroom?
As a retired teacher, I love, love, love helping teachers find ways to bring mindfulness into their classrooms! I have been trained in Yoga Ed through the local RECESS+ children's yoga program and have helped develop the RECESS+ curriculum.
If so, click on the button below to find out how I can help you during a free Clarity Call.
If you think your child would benefit from private instruction, or if you would like to have your child's class or school involved in Mindfulness Classes, we can explore the best option during a free Clarity Call: Click the button below.
My children's book teaches children about the power of their thoughts. You can learn more about it here: