What Roles Have You Played?

This morning I meditated under the waning super moon of the last weekend in September. Grandmother Moon is still up as I journal during the quiet pre-dawn time before Grandfather Sun rises. It is in this Vata time of the day that my creativity flourishes. 

This morning, Mother Nature is in full glory, too. A coolness, a dampness, holds the wind at bay. Soft as a feather the gentle breeze brushes my cheeks. The early bird sings grandly, “Rise and shine! What adventures will this day bring your way?” She sings solo with a back-up band of the remaining summer insects -- locusts and crickets. “The world is a stage!” she chirps. “And you are the author, the director, the choreographer, the musical score, and lead actor all in one!”

What script will I write today, I wonder to myself?

These words are not mine; they may be the brilliance of many ancient wisdom teachers but come to me through Dr. Deepak Chopra. He uses them to teach us about Cosmic Consciousness. I share his words in my classes of Primordial Sound Meditation. 

Deepak also calls this Christ Consciousness. It is one of the seven states of consciousness, and one we experience more frequently as we expand our awareness through meditation. We can experience it during our normal everyday waking consciousness as well as in the dream state. During meditation, we bring the qualities of Cosmic Consciousness back into the other waking hours of the day.

We are all familiar with a dream in which we are the main character; yet at the same time it is like we are watching ourselves play out the story in the dream. This is the experience of Cosmic Consciousness during the Dream State.

During the Waking State, we see that we play a variety of roles throughout our lives. The roles change just like the roles that an actor plays from one production to another. Actors find that when one role ends, there will be another role to play. 

What roles have you played throughout your life? I’ve been a baby, a teenager, a student, a teacher, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a grandmother, a writer, a cyclist, a triathlete, a yogi, a homeowner, a mentor … and it could go on and on. Some of those roles I still play; some are merely in my memory. 

When I witness myself in theses roles, it makes endings and beginnings less personal. It also makes the events and experiences less permanent. I understand I am not the role, only witnessing the role. Who then is this witness? In some traditions, it is called the Silent Witness.

Witnessing takes away the judgment associated with the roles or the events in my life. Not only am I not the role I'm playing; neither am I the sensations, images, feelings, thoughts – any experience -- that I am having. I’m merely the witness of the sensations, images, feelings, or thoughts.

Consequently, if I don’t like the story I find myself in, I can create a new story from the vantage point of the witness during Cosmic Consciousness. The witness resides in the field of all possibilities and is pure potentiality. Therefore, I can create my life in the way I choose because the witness resides in a field of infinite possibilities. 

These qualities you’ve probably experienced no matter where you are on your journey of awakening. It’s the point where you begin to see there’s more to life than the current role you are playing or the current experience you are having.

How do you further develop your silent witness? Most importantly, meditate with a practice that helps you transcend the Waking State. It’s a state most have experienced, but it’s one that took me several years of meditation to begin to realize I was in Cosmic Consciousness. 

From the vantage point of the witness, journal about some of the roles you are playing and experiences you are having that you might want to change. List some of the roles you've played in the comments section below.

Want to learn more about these beautiful ancient wisdom teachings?

Check out my Packages: Journey Back to Balance: Ayurveda Lifestyle or Journey Within: Primordial Sound Meditation.


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