Though Ayurveda isn’t yet as common of a household word as are Acupuncture and Essential Oils, Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil, and general dissatisfaction with the Western medical systems are bringing it more into the awareness of the general population. It’s actually the, oldest healing system in the world.
Ayurveda dates back 5,000 years. Founded in ancient India, the word Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayus meaning life, and veda meaning wisdom. Ayurveda, the wisdom of life, offers a time-tested guide for a life of happiness, vitality, love, and purpose. Health is defined as a state of vibrant balance in which all the layers of one’s life are integrated.
From the Ayurvedic perspective, human beings are viewed as fields of intelligence in constant, dynamic exchange with the energy and information of the world around us. Consequently, Ayurveda is an individualized and preventative lifestyle approach to healthcare.
Today, doctors are increasingly citing stress as a major contributing factor to most illnesses. Our bodies and minds react to it by shifting out of balance, which ultimately creates physical challenges and emotional turbulence that impact our lives at home, at work, and at play. In time, we can find ourselves in toxic relationships and non-nourishing patterns of eating, sleeping, and digestion.
The stress shows up at first as symptoms of annoying aches or unexplainable pains. Over time, though, stress evolves into chronic illnesses such as heart trouble, diabetes, anxiety and depression, digestive disorders, and cancer.
The Ayurveda Lifestyle program will help you identify the imbalances in your life, teach you how to correct them, and help you develop a nurturing daily routine. You learn how to eliminate toxicity in your body-mind. Most importantly, as your stress is eliminated, your mind and body begin to function with maximum effectiveness, creating health, vitality and happiness.
Through my teachings at The Chopra Center that began in 2011, I’ve gradually adopted more and more practices of Ayurveda into my life. When I first read about Ayurveda in Dr. Chopra’s book Perfect Health in the mid-90’s, I put it right back on the shelf. It sounded wonderful but far too complicated to incorporate. However, after experiencing it in bits and pieces over the past four years, I’ve overcome the sense of overwhelm; and my body has progressed in restoring itself in the direction of perfect health. I’ve fallen in love with the intuitive truth in the teachings and techniques of Ayurveda!
By practicing the techniques learned in the Ayurveda program, you will be able to:
- Identify your mind-body type and uncover any imbalances
- Learn how to restore and maintain balance to your mind-body constitution
- Reduce stress
- Improve your digestion and sleep patterns
- Release physical and emotional toxicity
- Create optimal daily nutrition
- Develop an optimal daily lifestyle for your individual mind-body type
- Lower your blood pressure
Obviously, those are all awesome reasons to learn what Ayurveda can do for you! Check out five reasons to Fall in Love Ayurveda!
Want to learn more about these beautiful ancient wisdom teachings?
Check out my Journey Back to Balance: Ayurveda Lifestyle Package or my One on One online program, Journey to Your Inner Wisdom.
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