A Map to Healing
The Chakra System provides clues to the missing development that created our "false" beliefs – beliefs that hold us back by sabotaging our clarity, confidence, and courage. Often my clients say they have a sense that something is missing, but they can't put a finger on it. These subconscious beliefs we no longer need may keep us stuck, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Because these old ways of thinking are not aligned with our inner truth, they may even be the source of dis-ease in our physical bodies and minds.
This is why I'd like to invite you to join me in a self-reflective journey through all seven energetic centers.
In The Map of the Chakras 8-week course ...
You will become more aware of emotional and mental patterns related to the development of each chakra that keep you mired in old ways and old habits so that you can begin to embody all of who you are.
You will experience iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation to inquire into, uncover and discover emotions and beliefs that once kept you safe so that you can better connect with the truth of who you are that has been camouflaged under layers of conditioning.
During iRest Yoga Nidra, "the sleep of the yogi," you are invited to relax into a state of consciousness where the brain waves slow down so that insights can arise and provide you with awareness of the child-like conditioning driving your life today.
Be on the lookout for more information to come soon about this course….