The Chakra System : A Map to Healing
Research tells us that 90-95% of our adult behavior and habits are driven by subconscious patterns and beliefs stored in our biology and formed by the age of 12. Our first four chakras, or energy centers located along the spine, are developed during these childhood years. The chakra development during childhood begins in the womb with the Root Chakra, culminating with the development of the fourth, or Heart Chakra, by the age of eleven or twelve.
Therefore, most of our conditioning comes while we are still living in a theta or alpha brain wave state (the brain waves are slower than our normal waking state). In other words, we’re very programmable! Much of the conditioning that is mostly running our adult life originates in our families of origin, from our teachers, and through society’s expectations. Most of this conditioning occurs during the formation of the three lower chakras. And this becomes our foundation for living our life!!!
This conditioning happens even before we are able to express who we know we are or have figured out what we know is true for us. So most of the behaviors, habits, patterns, beliefs we fall into as mature adults developed from what was going on around us in our early years. Many of our thoughts, beliefs and reactions that guide our daily choices were formed in our child-like minds to keep us safe in the world of adults around us. It is probably very rare for the needs of our soul to be completely understood and honored by even the most engaged and conscious parents.
What I have seen with my clients in my healing practice is that these subconscious beliefs and thoughts have created patterns of reactive habits that prevent them from making choices aligned with their inner truth. Old patterns are hard to get rid of, even when we are aware of them, and they keep us separate from our true nature, the truth of who we are.
The Chakra System provides clues to the missing development that created our "false" beliefs – beliefs that hold us back by sabotaging our clarity, confidence, and courage today. Often my clients say they have a sense that something is missing, but they can't put a finger on it. These beliefs we no longer need may keep us stuck, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Because these old ways of thinking are not aligned with our inner truth, they may even be the source of dis-ease in our physical bodies and minds.
This is why I'd like to invite you to join me in a self-reflective journey through the seven energetic centers.
In this 8-week course ..
You will become more aware of emotional and mental patterns related to the development of each chakra that keep you mired in old ways and old habits so that you can begin to embody all of who you are.
You will also experience iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation to inquire into, uncover and discover emotions and beliefs that once kept you safe so that you can better connect with the truth of who you are that has been camouflaged under these layers of conditioning.
During iRest Yoga Nidra, "the sleep of the yogi," you will relax into a state of consciousness where the brain waves slow down enough so that insights can arise and provide you with awareness of the child-like conditioning driving your life today.